Ford Fiesta ST rages on the salt mine


Filmed in an isolated area, the Ford Fiesta ST crawls a mine tunnel, draws circles, slides and jumps on uneven surfaces.

  The Ford / Ford Fiesta ST rages on the salt mine barrier

The Ford / Ford Fiesta ST is raging on the ground. The salt mine

"The salt looks a little like the gravel surface, so, frankly, it's a pretty slippery coating, especially if the car is equipped with ordinary tires.This may seem claustrophobic in the tunnel , but in fact, everything is happening in reverse: it's a great place to feel the joy of driving the new Fiesta ST, "says Elfyn Evans.

Ford Europe captures this video clip. continues the Greatest Driving Roads, the most impressive track of the other models – Ford GT, Ford Focus RS and Ford Mustang – have already been presented, while the promising corners of the Old Continent, the North Polar Circle in Norway to the sunny landscape of Mallorca, were selected for filming.However, until now, all areas were more "routine", that is to say on the surface of the earth.

  Picture of Ford / Ford Fiesta ST attacked the salt mine road

This time, Ford's new TV commercial found a secret salt mine. The episode Fiesta ST fights a network of tunnels 60 kilometers long with a constant temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.

The video episode of the ST Fiesta shot at the Salt Mine can be seen here:

VIDEO: The Great European Driving Route You're Never heard of

"The choice of this unique area was driven by the flair in the tunnels and the ability to show the Fiesta ST's ability to drive a car on different sidewalks. not the typical race track, but the exclusive environment in which the potential of this great car was revealed, "said Leo Rooks, director of Ford's performance

  Ford Fiesta ST. 19659013] Photo Ford / Ford Fiesta ST rages on the road of salt mines </p>
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