According to Yanfei, head of the Baltic consumer group, smart phones should facilitate and not make life worse for the elderly, so that the new phone does not slip into an unused drawer, some essential rules must be kept in the media. According to Telia Lietuva spokesperson, Audrius Stasiulaitis, the choice of older consumers has been determined by two main reasons – significantly lower prices for these phones and the fear of innovations – Many senior customers admit that they will not be able to use smartphones. However, trends are changing
"For the elderly, volunteering is organized by training in smart devices and other technologies.While during training and during the consultation of our customers in trade shows, we wish to show that the Smartphone management is not so complicated, while the opportunities are far more important. "Having dared and selected smart phones, older people are generally satisfied with their decision," says A. Stasiulaitis.
The Requirements are simple
A. According to Stasiulaitis, the preferences of seniors when choosing a smart phone or simple are very simple and very specific: large letters and numbers clearly visible on the screen, speakers of quality to listen well during a conversation and big enough to choose a phone button buttons
"Of course, other items Relevant for them are important for every phone buyer: smooth operation, clear control, long battery life. We also notice that older customers are using the same phone for a long time and will only change it when the old one will get stuck, "said A. Stasiulaitis
The range of mobile phones is expanding every day and many manufacturers offer exclusive mobile devices to seniors. These phones have a special feature that, if unfortunately, a button allows you to call help or bademble a pre-programmed number. In addition, these phones can be configured remotely.
The most important requirement – convenience
While older customers choose mobile phones with few criteria, phone manufacturers are increasingly looking to meet their needs. According to Yanfey, director of the Huawei Baltic Consumer Group, the new Y Series phones are designed to meet all the demands of seniors.
They feature ultra-wide screens (up to 5.99 inches), so all the icons are clear, easy to recognize, tall and comfortable to click. The text (e-mail or website) can be further expanded, so even a longer reading will not take your eyes off. The high resolution front and back phones offer flawless picture and video quality, and the ultra-high capacity battery does not need to carry the charger permanently.
"The ultimate goal of Y Series phones is to make your life easier, regardless of how you use your phone – to keep up to date with the world, interact with loved ones residing in a other country or reading books – this makes life even easier with this generation of phones.The phones are meant to serve the person and not the opposite, "says Yanfei.
Y series phones are delivered with two SIM cards and have a Google Android operating system that ensures the quick and trouble-free operation of the device. do not sit in the drawer
Before d & # 39; To buy a phone for an elderly person, you should first consult it Ask what are the most important aspects for him: what should be the size of the phone and the screen, how often will it be? Device will be used to make calls or laugh short messages, frequency of phone use, etc.
It is convenient to use because the phone is needed every day. Otherwise, for example, an annoying, discreet, too small or non-receptive phone may be lying in the drawer, "suggests A. Stasiulaitis
Not only is it important to choose a responsible cell phone, but to take the time how to use it Get to know the basic functions of the phone, such as calling and texting, showing how to take pictures, send and receive pictures, and how to make a video call.
"Si it's a smartphone, it's worth it to send the main gadgets (such as information portals, weather, transport schedules, etc.) and show how they work. All of these phones offer opportunities to clarify the daily routine of elderly parents, to strengthen relationships with family and friends. – 19659020 It is strictly forbidden to use DELFI's published information on other sites, media or elsewhere or to distribute our material without consent. , and if consent is received, it is necessary to indicate DELFI as the source.
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