The global PC market grew for the first time in 6 years


The company announces that global sales of personal computers have increased by 1.4%. up to 62.1 million

Gartner says that a significant portion of growth has been achieved by Gartner in the selection of smartphones and tablets, sales of personal computers have stagnated in recent years. The second quarter of the year was motivated by the fact that companies started updating their operating systems for Windows 10.

However, badysts fear that the PC market will come back in the coming years after the renewal of Windows 10, The operating system for the field

The report indicates that the first Chinese PC market is in the forefront of Chinese Lenovo and the American HP, which holds about 21.9%. the market. Third place was 16.8%. Dell's market share and Apple's 7.18% compared with the previous quarter. market share.

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