Comali Movie: Comali is a comedy-satire that revolves around Ravi (Jayam Ravi), in coma for 16 years. The film is written and directed by Pradeep Ranganathan in his directorial debut and stars Jayam Ravi, Kajal Aggarwal and Samyuktha Hegde in lead roles. K.S. Ravikumar, Yogi Babu and Bijili Ramesh are the supporting roles in this film.
Ishari K. Ganesh produced this film. After Thani Oruvan, Hip Hop Tamizha composed the music of Jayali Ravi's Comali. The film receives positive reviews everywhere. The film tries to show how a man who has sunk into a state of prolonged unconsciousness before this revolution reacts to the current reality. The story, humorous, tries to convey an important message to society.
The big threat of the movie industry these days is Tamilrockers, Tamilyogi, Mass Tamilan, Tamilgun and other hacking sites. They are releasing a new movie on their sites that has a huge impact on box office ticket collection. However, all new Hollywood, Kollywood, and Bollywood movies were released on a hacker site the same day or the next.
With regard to secret piracy threats, Download Comali Movie is all the rage in Google trends in India. Thus, the movie Comali could soon be released in Tamilockers or Tamilyogi. Looking at it online is not so good. Jayam Ravi's film critic, Comali, receives positive airwaves from around the world. Comali is an entertaining film that mixes fun and emotions.
Disclaimer: We never support movie hacking websites. We ask all of our audience to watch the movie indoors and support the film industry.
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